Austin City Limits is the longest-running music series in American television history. In 36 years, the show has produced more than 500 episodes featuring more than 800 performers, including legends like: Willie Nelson, B.B. King, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Charles, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and in more recent years: Arcade Fire, Coldplay, Norah Jones, The Dave Matthews Band, and many more.
We were incredibly lucky to interview the show’s executive producer, Terry Lickona, during the very last taping at the historic Studio 6A. In 2011, Austin City Limits is moving to a new home at the Moody Theater, a state of the art music venue in downtown Austin.
When we arrived at the studio, it was a media frenzy. Incredibly, Terry found time for us in-between interviews with local television stations, NPR, and a host of others. It was a once in a lifetime experience to be able to talk to a living music legend on such an important day.
Make sure to check out our incredible interview with Terry:
Special thanks to Terry for believing in our project and to Jonathan Jackson, who generously provided the excellent footage of the last taping at studio 6A.