Alex Reymundo is one of The Original Latin Kings of Comedy and the star of two showtime comedy specials, Hick Spanic and Red Nexican. The Dream Share Project sat down with Alex to discuss his inspirational story – immigrating to the united states as a child, finding his passion for entertainment, and pursuing his dream […]
Alex Reymundo is a Latino comic, actor, writer, and producer. He was one of the Original Latin Kings of Comedy, toured extensively with Ron White, and has two hour-long stand up specials on television, Hick-Spanic and Red Nexican. Alex shared his inspirational story with The Dream Share Project when we sat down with him in […]
This dream was shared by Chris Todd, an aspiring comedian and writer. Chris shared his dream to start a comedy troupe with us in the winter of 2009 and has already made a lot progress on fulfilling his dreams. Check out his troupe’s website –, facebook and twitter. You can also read his blog […]