Posted on May 2, 2013 by admin
I wanted to compile a list of some of my favorite resources and tips for writers. Enjoy, and please leave comments with your own helpful tips, tricks, books and links for writers!
Top Tips:
1.) Set a daily word count. Start slow and build yourself up. Stephen King recommends 2,000 words a day, and you can speed-write 500 words in 15-30 minutes if you focus. Pick a number and start meeting it.
2.) Now that you have a daily word count, create a log where to track your word count/time you worked for the day. I use a GoogleDoc for this. Or, print out a log and post it above your workspace.
3.) Get a goal. What do you want to write? Start writing it and don’t stop until it’s done. Do not stop until it is done. Once you meet your original goal you can move on to the next project. This is especially helpful if you have a million ideas for stories popping into your head.
3.) Write every day. If you can’t make your desired word count for the day, write 500 words. Even if your schedule is truly packed, anyone can squeeze in 500 words or 15-20 minutes of editing right before bed.
4.) Read every day. Nothing makes me want to write more than reading a good book.
6.) Set your own deadline. Maybe it’s to finish a novel in two months, re-write a poem by the end of the day or submit a short story to a magazine by the end of May. Whatever your deadline is, make it, tell people about it and stick to it! Deadlines and peer pressure work.
7.) The more you write, the better you write. The more you practice, the better a writer you will become.
9.) Don’t worry about the outcome. Take your mind off the end result and focus on having fun with the process.
10.) Stick with it! It can be really hard when what comes out on the page doesn’t sound or look the way you envisioned. Keep going. Re-write, re-write, re-write. Edit, edit, edit. If you keep plugging away at it, the work will get better. And, if you work long enough and hard enough you might even wind up with a piece of work you love.
Indispensible Writing Books:
The Right to Write by Julia Cameron (friendly, inspiring, practical)
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron (every creative person needs this book)
On Writing by Stephen King (buy this book now!)
Build Your Dreams: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love by Chip + Alexis (shameless self-promotion, but packed with practical tips!)
Online Sources: – find your agent! (6 years of questions answered about publishing, finding an agent, selling a book, writing a book, etc.) – National Novel Writing month is in November. Sign up for the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days + helpful tips, forums and more
Resolution for a Routine worksheet – a worksheet by The Braid Creative to help you create a routine for your creative practices
7 Great Ways to Build Your Writing Routine – practical tips from – published and established authors helping out other writers and offering advice on forum discussion boards – helpful information on writing proposals and more
Glimmer Train – publication for new writers + monthly email bulletins with “essays by creative-writing teachers and other published authors on craft, perspective, and the particulars of writing and getting published”
“Your Elusive Creative Genius” – a 20 minute TEDTalk by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love
Write Like a Motherf@#$er – a kick in the pants from the advice column Dear Sugar, by Cheryl Strayed
Category: D.R.E.A.M., embark, how-to, tips and tricks Tags: backspace, dear sugar, elizabeth gilbert, fiction, glimmer train, julia cameron, nathan bransford, non-fiction, publishers marketplace, resources for writers, stephen king, the rumpus, writer
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