Satisficer or maximizer?

When it comes to making decisions, are you a satisficer or a maximizer? A satisficer makes a decision once they find an option that meets their criteria. This doesn’t mean they have low standards, it just means they are quick to take action once they find what they are looking for. For example, if a […]

7 quick tips to stay on track and make it happen.

Can you believe January is almost over?! With one month down out of 2014, now is a great time to assess the progress you’ve made towards your goals for this year. If you’re not quite where you want to be, try these seven quick tips to help you stay on track and make it happen this […]

Resources for Writers: The Best Tips, Tricks, Books + Links

I wanted to compile a list of some of my favorite resources and tips for writers. Enjoy, and please leave comments with your own helpful tips, tricks, books and links for writers! Top Tips: 1.) Set a daily word count. Start slow and build yourself up. Stephen King recommends 2,000 words a day, and you […]

How to Write a Business Plan

    The best way to learn the language and structure of business plans is to look at real-life examples. Some great resources to check out are: And at the bottom of the post we’ve listed some sample plans. This is a list of elements most business plans should include, but be […]