Posted on February 22, 2013 by admin
On the road again!
Last week we visited Mary Baldwin College and Ohio Wesleyan University where we had two awesome shows with lots of great conversations about dealing with procrastination, raising money for a dream and figuring out just what your passion actually is.
Mary Baldwin College put us up for the night in a lovely B&B, The Frederick House. The B&B was family run and operated, and very charming. We kind of wanted to move in there.
You can imagine our excitement the next morning when we saw the menu for breakfast printed on our coffee mugs.
After fortifying ourselves with ham and cheese pie and cheddar sausage strata (and watermelon hearts) we braved the roads for our seven hour drive to Ohio, for a screening at OSU.
On the drive we used to listen to D.C. Pierson’s The Boy Who Couldn’t Sleep and Never Had To. The book was really funny and fast-paced, which made the drive fly by (which was good because Chip was driving in rain and snow for about five hours). We both wished that the older brother character was in our back seat, talking in his cheeky British accent.
Ohio Wesleyan University did lots of fun advertising for our screening and we had a great workshop with everyone.
Then, all of my icecream wishes came true when we got to stop at Jeni’s Splendid Icecreams in Columbus after our show. I bought Jeni’s book last summer (and made homemade icecream once….) and I have been waiting for the day when I could eat salty caramel icecream without having to whip out the light corn syrup and heavy cream.
Look how happy and cheerful it is in this place. Perhaps, this explains the lovely employees who offered us free samples and explained about the melding flavors in the Riesling poached pear sorbet?
Yes! When I found out the scoop shop on High Street would still be open after our screening at OSU, I knew it was time to seize my sugary destiny.
This was a three scoop bowl with brown butter almond brittle, brambleberry crisp and salty caramel. I even let Chip have a few bites.
Hands down, best icecream I’ve ever had in my life. And I’ve eaten a lot of icecream. If you’re in Ohio, do not skip out on Jeni’s!!
Last weekend we also got the chance to screen our film for the DelMarVa Roots Film Series in Milton, DE. Guess where the screening was?
Don’t worry, we didn’t block any firetrucks with our car.
While we waited for the screening to begin, we contemplated offering a price for this epic flag blanket.
Instead, we spent our pennies on some peanut M&M’s and had fun chatting with Lindsay Bane, the other filmmaker in the series. Lindsay’s short Red Shoes, had some crazy awesome animation and music. You can check out more of her work here.
And, super exciting, we also got a chance to see the first layout of our book this week!!!! It’s crazy to see everything start to come together!!
Category: Dream Share Project, Road Trip, spring tour 2013 Tags: book, build your dreams, columbus, delmarva roots film series, jeni's splendid icecreams, mary baldwin college, milton, ohio, ohio wesleyan university, running press, salty caramel
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